Food concept


Nutritional principles

Our goal is to support you on the path to health by offering a diet that is healthy, balanced, moderate, and varied.

Our menus follow the recommendations of the Swiss Society of Nutrition, including:

  • Moderating meat consumption (up to 3 times a week maximum).

  • Consuming a greater variety of raw and cooked vegetables and fruits.

  • Preferring high-quality vegetable oils (rich in omega-3), limiting animal fats and fried foods.

  • Favoring nuts and seeds.

  • Choosing whole grains more often.

Each menu is prepared on-site and approved by our nutritionists to ensure a balanced, healthy, and varied nutritional intake. At every meal, a vegetarian menu option is provided, adhering to the same nutritional guidelines.

We follow the traditions of the Adventist founders of La Lignière and do not serve certain meats (such as pork or rabbit) and shellfish. Our dietitian-nutritionists tailor diets to accommodate individual health conditions and nutritional challenges. In collaboration with our speech therapists, alternatives are offered to patients based on their specific needs.

Alcohol consumption

Our facility does not serve alcohol (nor permit its consumption on its premises), for both patients and their families.

This decision aims to ensure the safety, well-being, and recovery of everyone. For your information, here are some problematic aspects of alcohol consumption :

1. Drug interactions :

Alcohol can interact harmfully with medications. These interactions may reduce the effectiveness of medical treatments, increase the risks of undesirable side effects, and complicate the healing process.

2. Safety :

Alcohol consumption can impair your judgment, reflexes, and coordination, increasing the risk of accidents and falls, especially if you are already vulnerable due to your health condition.

3. Healing process :

Alcohol can slow down the healing process by weakening the immune system and affecting the healing of wounds.

4. Medical responsibility :

Our healthcare professionals are responsible for your well-being and medical treatment. They follow strict protocols to ensure you receive appropriate care based on your health condition.

Our mission is to help you regain your abilities to the fullest, and your collaboration in matters of health is essential to achieving this goal. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

If you have any concerns regarding this decision, please feel free to discuss them with your doctor or the nurse overseeing your treatment. They will be able to provide you with additional information and address any questions you may have.

2024 © La Lignière - Tous droits réservés
Food concept